Friday, March 22, 2013


Number (ePb)
hv Øviv †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev cÖvYxi msL¨v eySvq Zv‡K Number e‡j| Number Gi DrcwË g~jZ Noun ‡_‡K|
Number `yB cÖKvi | h_v t- 1. Singular number
2. Plural number
1.       Singular number: ‡h Noun ev Pronoun Øviv †KejgvÎ GKwU e¨w³,e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K eySvq Zv‡K Singular number e‡j| †hgb: a man, a boy, a piano BZ¨vw`|
2.       Plural number : ‡h Noun ev Pronoun Øviv GKvwaK e¨w³,e¯‘ ev cÖvYx‡K eySvq Zv‡K Plural number e‡j | ‡hgbt Two men, three boys, toys, pianos BZ¨vw`|

Person (cyiæl)
‡Kvb Noun ev  Pronoun hLb ev‡K¨ Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zv‡K Person e‡j|
Person wZb cÖKvi | h_v t
1.     First person    -  Avwg , Avgiv
2.     Second person -  Zzwg , †Zvgiv
3.     Third person  - evwK me
First person
I, me, my, mine
we, our, ours, us
Second person
you, your, yours
you, your, yours
Third person
He, his, him, she, her, hers, It , its.
they, their, theirs, them


Tense k‡ãi A_© Kvj ev mgq| †Kvb Kvh© m¤úv`‡bi mgq‡K Tense e‡j| Tense cÖavbZ wZb cÖKvi |
h_vt -
1.     Present tense
2.     Past tense
3.     Future tense
1.         Present tense: Verb Gi Kvh© hLb eZ©gvb mgq‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Present tense e‡j|     
†hgbt- She sings a song, I eat rice.
2.       Past tense : Verb Gi Kvh© hLb AZxZ mgq‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Past tense e‡j| †hgbt- He ate rice. She was singing a song.
3.       Future tense : Verb Gi Kvh© hLb fwel¨r mgq‡K wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Future tense e‡j| †hgbt- She will sing a song. I shall do the work.
Present tense Pvi cÖKvi| h_vt
i)                   Present Indefinite tense
ii)                Present continuous tense
iii)              Present perfect tense
iv)              Present perfect continuous tense
i)       Present Indefinite tense: ‡h tense Øviv eZ©gv‡b †Kvb KvR Kiv , Af¨vmMZ Kg© ev wPišÍb mZ¨ eySvq Zv‡K Present indefinite tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject  +  Verb Gi present form + Object.
N:B t Subject hw` 3rd person singular number nq Zvn‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es ‡hvM nq|
Example : I read a book, He reads a book, He goes to school.
‡h mKj verb Gi †k‡l o, ch, x, th BZ¨vw` _v‡K Zv‡`i †k‡l es ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq Ab¨_vq s ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|
ii)      Present continuous tense: ‡h tense Øviv eZ©gvb Kv‡j  †Kvb KvR Pj‡Z‡Q  eySvq Zv‡K Present continuous tense e‡j |
Structure : Subject  + am/is/are + Verb Gi present form + ing + Object.
Example : I am eating rice. He is doing the work.
iii)     Preset perfect tense : ‡h tense Øviv †Kvb KvR GB gvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi dj GLbI eZ©gvb Zv‡K  Present perfect tense e‡j |
Structure : Subject + have/has + verb Gi Past participle form + object.
Example : We have done the work. He has written a letter.
iv)     Present perfect continuous  tense: ‡h tense Øviv  †Kvb KvR c~‡e© Avi¤¢ n‡q eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Z‡Q  eySvq Zv‡K Present perfect continuous tense e‡j |
Structure : Subject +have been/has been + verb + ing + evKxAsk|
Example : I have been reading for two hours.
2.       Past tense Pvi cÖKvi | h_v t -
                                                             i.      Past Indefinite tense
                                                           ii.      Past Continuous tense
                                                        iii.      Past Perfect tense
                                                        iv.      Past Perfect Continuous tense
i)                   Past Indefinite tense : ‡Kvb KvR AZxZ Kv‡j n‡qwQj wKš‘ Zvi dj GLb Avi eZ©gvb †bB Zv‡K Past Indefinite tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject + verb Gi past form + object.  
Example : He wrote a letter. They played football.
ii)                Past Continuous tense : ‡Kvb KvR AZx‡Z wKQz mgq a‡i Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡Z verb Gi Past Continuous tense nq|
Structure : Subject + was / were  + verb  + ing + object.
Example : I was reading a book, They were playing football.
iii)              Past Perfect tense : AZxZ Kv‡j GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Av‡iKwU KvR msNwUZ n‡qwQj Giƒc eySv‡j Gi Kvj‡K Past perfect tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject + had + verb Gi Past participle form + evKx Ask|
Example: The patient had died before the doctor came.
iv)              Past Perfect Continuous tense : AZxZ Kv‡ji msNwUZ `yÕwU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ A‡cÿvK…Z c~‡e©i KvRwU `xN© mgq a‡i Pj‡ZwQj eySv‡j verb Gi Past Perfect Continuous tense nq|
Structure : Subject + had been + verb + ing + evKx Ask|
Example: I had been reading for two hours .
3.     Future tense: Verb Gi †h Kvh© fwelr mgq‡K wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡K Future tense  e‡j|
Future tense Pvi cÖKvi | h_vt-
i)                   Future Indefinite tense
ii)                Future Continuous tense
iii)              Future Perfect tense
iv)              Future Perfect Continuous tense
i)                   Future Indefinite tense : ‡Kvb KvR fwelr Kv‡j msNwUZ n‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Zvi Kvj‡K Future Indefinite tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject + shall/will + Verb Gi present form + Object.
Example : I shall go to Dhaka. They will do the work.
ii)                Future Continuous tense : ‡Kvb KvR fwel¨‡Z n‡Z _vK‡e ev Pj‡Z _vK‡e Giƒc eySv‡j Gi Kvj‡K Future Continuous tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject + Shall be/ will be + verb + ing + evKx Ask |
Example : I shall be reading a book. He will be going there.
iii)              Future Perfect tense : fwel¨Z Kv‡jGKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e©  Av‡iKwU KvR m¤ú~Y© n‡q _vK‡e eySv‡j Gi Kvj‡K Future Perfect tense e‡j|
Structure : Subject + shall have/ will have + verb Gi Past participle form + evKx Ask |
          I shall have finished the work before you come.
iv)     Future Perfect Continuous tense : fwel¨‡Z GKwU Kv‡Ri c~‡e© Av‡iKwU KvR n‡Z _vK‡e ev Pj‡Z _vK‡e eySv‡j Gi Kvj‡K Future Perfect Continuous tense e‡j |
Structure : Subject + Shall have been/ will have been + verb + ing + evKx Ask |  
Example : I shall have been reading for two hours. He will have been doing sums before he goes to school.

Tense Gi bvg
Singular Number
Plural Number
Present continuous
I, am
we , are
you, are
you , are
he, is
they , are
Present perfect
I, have
we, have
you, have
you , have
he , has
they , have
Present perfect continuous
I, have been
we , have been
you, have been
you, have been
he, has been
they,  have been
Past continuous
I, was
we, were
you, were
you, were
he, was
they, were
Past perfect
I, had
we, had
you, had
you, had
he , had
they , had
Past perfect continuous
I , had been
we, had been
you , had been
you , had been
he , had been
they, had been
Future indefinite
I, shall
we, shall
you , will
you, will
he , will
they, will
Future continuous
I , shall be
we, shall be
you, will be
you, will be
he, will be
they, will be
Future perfect
I , shall have
we, shall have
you , will have
you, will have
he , will have
they, will have
Future perfect continuous
I, shall have been
we, shall have been
you, will have been
you, will have been
he, will have been
they, will have been

Voice (evP¨)
Voice `yB cÖKvi | h_vt-
ii)                Active voice – KZ…evP¨
iii)              Passive voice – Kg©evP¨
Active voice ‡K passive voice G iƒcvšÍwiZ Kivi wbqg t
* Active voice Gi object ‡K passive voice Gi subject Ki‡Z nq|
* Tense Abyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix verb e‡m|
* Preposition wn‡m‡e mvavibZ by e‡m|
* Subject ‡K object Ki‡Z n‡e|
KwZcq subject Gi objective form wb‡¤œ †`Iqv nj t-
Subject                 Object
I                            me
We                        us
You                      you
He                        him
She                       her
They                     them
It                          it
Karim                   Karim
The boy                the boy

Rule-02: Tense Abyhvqx mvnh¨Kvix verb e¨env‡ii wbqgt-

Tense Gi bvg
mvnvh¨Kvix  verb
Present indefinite
am, is , are

Present continuous
am being , is being, are being

Present perfect
have been, has been
Past indefinite
was, were

Past continuous
was being, were being

Past perfect
had been
Future indefinite
shall be, will be

Future continuous
shall be being, will be being

Future perfect
shall have been, will have been
Example :
Active         : The boys are playing football.
Passive       : Football is being played by the boys.
Active         : I had written the letter.
Passive       : The letter had been written by me.
Active         : He will help me.
Passive       : I shall be helped by him.
Rule-03: Modal verb mg~n †hgb :- may, might , can , could, must, ought to, going to, should BZ¨vw` hy³ Active voice ‡K Passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi mgq G ¸‡jvi c‡i be em‡e Ges Zvi c‡i g~j verb wUi Past Participle e‡m| G †ÿ‡Î Structure wU wb¤œ iƒc n‡e|
Structure : Object n‡e Subject + Modal Auxiliary + be + verb Gi past participle form + by + subject n‡e object.
Active         : I can do it.
Passive       : It can be done by me.
Active         : I must help my friend.
Passive       : My friend must be helped by me.
Interrogative Sentence
Rule-04: Auxiliary verb   w`‡q ïiæ Interrogative sentence  ‡K Active voice ‡_‡K Passive voice – G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg t
Structure:   Auxiliary verb + Object n‡e Subject + verb Gi  past participle form+ by + subject n‡e object.
Active         : Did you play cricket?
Passive       : Was cricket played by you?
Active         : Is he writing a latter?
Passive       : Is a letter being written by him?
Active         : Have you eaten rice ?
Passive       : Has rice been eaten by you ?
N:B: Auxiliary verb hw` being / been hy³ nq Zvn‡j D³ being / been subject Gi c‡i e‡m|
Rule-05: Who hy³ Interrogative sentence  ‡K Active voice ‡_‡K Passive voice – G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg t
Structure:   By whom + Auxiliary verb + Object n‡e Subject + (be/being/been tense Abyhvqx hw` _v‡K) + verb Gi  past participle form + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý|
Active         : Who did the work ?
Passive       : By whom was the work done?
Active         : Who has broken the glasses ?
Passive       : By whom have the glasses been broken ?
Active         : Who will help you?
Passive       : By whom will you be helped ?
Rule-06: Whom hy³ Interrogative sentence  ‡K Active voice ‡_‡K Passive voice – G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg t
Structure:   Who + Auxiliary verb + verb Gi  past participle form + by + subject n‡e object.  + cÖkœ‡evaK wPý|
Active         : Whom did you want?
Passive       : Who was wanted by you?
Active         : Whom is he teaching English ?
Passive       : Who is being taught English by him?
Rule-07: What hy³ Interrogative sentence  ‡K Active voice ‡_‡K Passive voice – G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg t
Structure:   What + Auxiliary verb + verb Gi  past participle form + by+ subject n‡e object+ cÖkœ‡evaK wPý|
Active         : What did you buy ?
Passive       : What was bought by you?
Imperative Sentance
Rule 08: ïaygvÎ g~j verb w`‡q ïiæ hy³ Imperative Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Let + Object n‡e Subject + be + g~j verb Gi  past participle form.
Active         : Do the work.
Passive       : Let the work be done.
Active         : Write the letter without any object.
Passive       : Let The letter be written without any object.
Rule 09: Do not  w`‡q ïiæ hy³ Imperative Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Let not + Object n‡e Subject + be + g~j verb Gi  past participle form.
Active         : Do not heat the poor.
Passive       : Let not the poor be hated.
Active         : Do not play football at noon.
Passive       : Let not football be played at noon.
Rule-10: Let ev e¨vw³ evPK object ( me. us, you, them, him, her) hy³ imperative Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Let  + Object wUi  Subjective form + be + g~j verb Gi  past participle form + by + e¨vw³ evPK object.
Active         : Let me do the work.
Passive       : Let the work be done by me .
Active         : Let him write a letter.
Passive       : Let a letter be written by him.
Rule-11: Never hy³ imperative Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Let not  + Object wUi  Subjective form +ever  be + g~j verb Gi  past participle form .
Active         : Never tell a lie.
Passive       : Let not a lie ever be told.
Rule-12: Subject + verb + object + present participle hy³ imperative Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Object wUi  Subjective form + tense I person  Abyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix verb + g~j verb Gi  past participle form + present participle hy³ Ask + by + Subject n‡e object.
Active         : I saw him reading a book.
Passive       : He was seen reading a book by me.
Rule-13: Reflexive object ( myself , ourself , yourself, yourselves, themselves, himself, herself, )  hy³ Active voice  †K passive voice G iæcvšÍi Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Subject + Auxiliary verb + + g~j verb Gi  past participle form + by + Reflexive object n‡e |
Active         : He killed himself.
Passive       : He was killed by himself.
Active         : She fans herself.
Passive       : She is fanned by herself.
Rule-14: Factitive ev Double object hy³ Sentence Gi Active voice  †K passive voice G cwieZ©b Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   cÖ`Ë Pronominal object wUi (me, us, you, them, him, her) subjective form nq + Auxiliary verb + g~j Verb Gi  past participle form + Factitive object + by + Subject n‡e objective form.
Active         : We made him captain.
Passive       : He was made captain by us.
Active         : He called it larul by him.
Passive       : It was called larul by him.
Rule-15: Quasi passive verb hy³ Active voice  †K passive voice G cwibZ Kivi Rb¨ wb‡¤œv³ wbqgwU Abymi K‡i‡Z nq|
Structure:   Subject ‡_‡K g~j verb Gi c~e© ch©šÍ e‡m + being e‡m + g~j Verb Gi  past participle form.
Active         : The books are printing.
Passive       : The books are being printed.
Active         : The house is building.
Passiv          :  The house is being built.
Rule -16: Complement hy³ Quasi passive verb hy³ Active voice  †K passive voice G iæcvšÍi Kivi wbqg:
Structure:   Subject + tense Abyhvqx mvnvh¨Kvix verb e‡m + Complement wU e‡m + when + it/they + AveviI  mvnvh¨Kvix verb wU e‡m+ g~j Verb Gi  past participle form e‡m|
Active         : The mangoes taste sourer.
Passive       : The mangoes are sourer when they are tasted.
Active         : The bed is soft.
Passive       : The bed is soft when it is belt.
Active         : Honey tastes sweet.
Passive       : Honey is sweet when it is tasted
Active         : Rice sells cheap.
Passive       : Rice is cheap when it is sold.
Passive voice †K Active voice  G iæcvšÍi Kivi wbqg:
Rule-17: Passive voice –G iæcvšÍ‡ii wbqg fv‡jvfv‡e Avq‡Ë¡ _vK‡j Passive voice †K mn‡RB Active voice G iæcvšÍi Kiv hvq | wKš‘ †Kvb ‡Kvb Passive voice G object Dn¨ _v‡K †m †ÿ†Î Passive voice wUi  A_© Abyhvqx h‡_vchy³ Subject emv‡Z n‡e |
Passive       : His pen has been stolen.
Active         : Someone has stolen his pen.
Passive       : The criminal was arrested.
Active         : The police arrested the criminal.
Passive       : The houses have been washed away.
Active         : Flood has washed away the house.
Passive       : Our supply of drinking water was finished.
Active         : We finished our supply of drinking water.
Passive       : English is spoken all over the world.
Active         : People speak English all over the world.
Passive       : He was murdered at day light.
Active         : Someone murdered him at day light.
Passive       : The tree has been up rooted.
Active         : A storm has uprooted the tree.

Completing sentence
Rule- 01: Too-----to hy³ incomplete sentence G adjective/adverb Gi c~‡e© too _vK‡j complete Kivi mgq to + m½wZ c~Y© verb + evKx Ask emv‡Z nq|
Structure : Subject + verb + too + adjective/adverb + to + GKwU AmsMwZ c~Y© verb + evKx Ask (hw` _v‡K ) |
1.     The man is too old ---------------.
=   The man is too old to walk.
2.     He is too dishonest -------------.
=   He is too dishonest to speak the truth.
4.     You are too short ---------------.
=   You are too short to touch the roof.
5.     The girl is too silly ----------.
=    The girl is too silly to understand the matter.
6.     The load is too heavy for me-------------------.
=   The load is too heavy for me to carry.
7.     The problem was too hard for them --------------------.
=   The problem was too hard for them to solve.
8.     It is too interesting a matter for us ---------------.
 = It is too interesting a matter for us to overlook.
Rule – 02: so -----that hy³ incomplete sentence G so Gi c‡i adjective/adverb _vK‡j Zvi c‡i that + subject + cannot/could not + msMwZ c~Y© verb + evKx Ask Øviv sentence wU m¤ú~Y© Ki‡Z nq|
1.     The man was so ill ---------.
=   The mane was so ill that he could not move an inch.
2.     Many farmers are so poor --------.
=   Many farmers are so poor that they cannot buy their necessary things.
Rule -03: So that / in order that hy³ incomplete sentence Gi †k‡l so that/inorder that  _vK‡j Zvi ci cÖ_g Subject + may/ might A_ev can / could + A_© c~Y© verb +  evKx Ask e‡m |
1.     The boy reads more so that --------------
=   The boy reads more so that he can make a good result.
2.     The farmers sow good seeds so that ------------.
=   The farmers sow good seeds so that they may have a good harvest.
3.     We eat food so that -------------.
 =   We eat food so that we can get strength.
Note : Z‡e wØZxq AskwU‡Z Negative A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z n‡j may/ might / can / could Gi c‡i GKwU not emv‡Z nq Avi me wKQy wVK _v‡K |
4.     I closed the door of my room so that ------------.
    = I closed the door of my room so that the thief might not enter the room.
5.     He bears my educational expenses so that ------------------.
   =  He bears my educational expenses so that I may not fall in wants.
6.     The caliph went out in disguise so that ---------------.
   = The caliph went out in disguise so that any one might not recognise him.
7.      Della went to a hair shop in order that -------------------.
  =  Della went to a hair shop in order that she would sell her hair.
8.     He saved some money in order that -----------------------.
  = He saved some money in order that he would buy some books.

Rule-04: Provided / provided that / providing that BZ¨vw` ÔÔ hw` Ó A_© ccÖKvk K‡i | Incomplete ev‡K¨ G¸‡jv †`qv _vK‡j Zvi c‡i GKwU A_©c~Y© evK¨ †hvM Ki‡Z nq |
1.     You will do better in the exam provided  you work hard.
2.     The plane will take off in time provided that the weather is good.
3.     We shall start our journey tomorrow provided that it does not rain.
4.     He will shine in life providing that he works hard.
5.     I will agree to go providing that my expenses are paid.
6.     We shall start the programme provided circumstances favour us.
Rule -05: Lest k‡ãi A_© Ò cv‡Q fq nq †h Ó ( for fear that ) lest negative A_© cÖ`vb K‡i | ZvB lest Øviv †h clause Avi¤¢ nq Zv‡Z  no ev not e‡m bv | lest Øviv †h clause ïiæ nq Zvi c‡i should / might  e‡m |
Structure : cÖ_g †_‡K lest ch©šÍ e‡m + cÖ_g subject e‡m + should / might + msMwZ c~Y© GKwU verb + evKx Ask |
1.     He ran away lest he should be seen.
2.     Read diligently lest you should fail in the examination.
3.     He walked fast lest he might reach school in time.  
Rule -06: Unless A_© hw` bv | Unless hy³ clause G not e¨eüZ nq bv | Unless hy³ incomplete sentence ‡K complete Kivi mgq incomplete sentence wUi mv‡_ GKwU msMwZ c~Y© sentence ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|
1.     Unless you read attentively, you will fail.
2.     Unless you start at once , you will miss the train.
3.     Come at 8 o’ clock unless I phone.
4.     He will not shine unless he works hard.
Rule – 07 : Till / Until  hy³ incomplete sentence ‡K complete Ki‡Z n‡j Gi ci GKwU Affirmative sentence ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq | Till / Until Gi c~‡e©i Ask †h tense _v‡K c‡ii As‡kI GKB tense nq |
1.     Wait until the rain stops.
2.     We waited till the train came.
3.     Wait for me until I come back.
Rule -08: As long as hy³ incomplete sentence wUi mv‡_ GKwU c~Yv½  sentence ‡hvM K‡i sentence wU complete Ki‡Z nq |
1.     He did the work as long as he could.
2.     Allah will be with us as long as our aim is honest.
3.     Wait here as long as it rains.
Rule -09: Though / Although , since, because, if , as hy³ incomplete sentence ‡K complete Ki‡Z G‡`i mv‡_ GKwU c~Y©v½ A_©en sentence ‡hvM K‡i‡Z nq |
1.     Though he is poor , he is honest.
2.     He could not catch the bus , although he ran fast.
3.     Since body and mind go together , illness  of one inevitably affects the other.
4.     Crops did not grow well, since there was drought.
5.     Every body admires him because he is honest.
6.     As I was ill, I could not go to school.
7.     If he comes, I shall go.
Rule-10: In spite of / despite Gi A_© m‡Ë¡I | G RvZxq kã Øviv simple sentence MwVZ nq | In spite of / despite _vK‡j G‡`i wecixZ A_© †evaK sentence Øviv sentence wU complete Ki‡Z nq | G †ÿ‡Î incomplete sentence Gi mv‡_ subject + verb + ------------- e‡m |
1.     In spite of his poverty, he is honest.
2.     In spite of her having merit, she failed in the examination.
3.     Despite his good qualification, he did not get a suitable job.
4.     The boy was punished, despite his innocence.
Rule-11: In stead of / in lieu of Gi A_© cwie‡Z© | GKwU  wRwbm ev wel‡qi cwie‡Z© Ab¨wU †bIqv ev cQ›` eySv‡Z G phrase `ywU e¨eüZ nq |
1.     Instead of history he took logic.
2.     The boy brought pens instead of pencils.
3.     He ate fish in lieu of meat.
Rule-12: Because of / on account of / owing to/ due to G Phrase ¸wji A_© ÒKvi‡YÓ ev ÒR‡b¨Ó | D³ Phrase Øviv MwVZ sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask incomplete _vK‡j ‡mLv‡b subject + verb ------- e¨envi Ki‡Z nq | Avi hw` sentence wUi †kli Ask incomplete _v‡K Zvn‡j Abstract noun Øviv complete Ki‡Z nq |
1.     Every body loves him because of his honesty.
2.     On account of his illness , he could not go to school.
3.     The winter could not drive at night due to fog,  
Rule-13: Would rather Gi A_© (eis /ZeyI) | would rather hy³ sentence G than e¨eüZ nq |
Structure : Subject+would rather + verb Gi present form +----- + than+ verb/noun.
1.     I would rather die than beg.
2.     He would rather drink tea than coffee.
Rule -14:  Had better Gi A_© ZeyI/ eis fvj | Had better Gi ci to e‡m bv  me©`v  verb Gi present form e‡m | Subject + had better + verb Gi present form + --------.
1.     You had better leave the place.
2.     He had better go home.
3.     I had better ring him at once.
Rule -15: No sooner had  ------  than , scarcely had ------- when , hardly had ------- when  G RvZxq  structure Øviv Ò‡h‡Z bv ---- †h‡Z Ó , Ò‡L‡Z bv ----- ----  †L‡Z Ó , Ò‡cuŠQv‡Z bv --------- †cŠuQv‡Z Ó BZ¨vw` A_© cÖKvk K‡i |
G RvZxq structure ¸wji when  I than Gi c~e© ch©šÍ Past perfect tense Ges when I than Gi  c‡ii Ask Past indefinite tense nq |
1.     No sooner had I gone out than he came.
2.     Scarcely had we reach the station when the train left.
3.     Hardly had he reached the college when the exam began .
Rule- 16: It is time : ‡Kvb KvR Kivi mwVK Kmgq n‡q‡Q eySv‡Z  It  is time +infinitive + --------- e‡m | A_ev, It is time + for + object + infinitive + ---------- e‡m|
1.     It is time to start the work.
2.     It is time to leave the place.
3.     It is time for us to attack the enemy.
Rule – 17 : It is time / It is high time : ‡Kvb KvR Kivi  mwVK mgq BwZg‡a¨ cvi n‡q ‡M‡Q, Avi wej¤^ bv K‡i GB g~û‡Z©B KvRwU ïiæ Kiv DwPr eySv‡bvi Rb¨  it is time Ges †ewk †Rvi †`Iqv eySv‡Z It is high time e¨eüZ nq |
Structure : It is time / It is high time + subject + verb Gi past form+ -----------.
1.     It is time we went home .
2.     It is time they earned their livelihood.
3.     It is high time we changed our decision.
4.     It is high time they started for the station.
Rule – 18: As though / as if Ò‡hbÓ A_© cÖKvk K‡i | As though / As if Gi cÖ_g Ask Present indefinite n‡j c‡ii Ask Past indefinite nq | Avi cÖ_g Ask past tense n‡j c‡ii Ask past perfect tense nq |
1.     He tells the matter as if he knew it.
2.     He told the matter as if he had know it.
3.     He proceeds as though I did not speak.
4.     He proceeded as though I had not spoken.    
Rule -19: Let alone A_© ÔwPšÍv Kiv hvq bvÕ ev Ôfvev hvq bvÕ | Bnv mvavibZ Negative A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq |
1.     He can not pass in the third division let alone 1st division.
2.     I can not swim a meter let alone ten meter.
3.     The man can not visit a small town let alone a big city.
Rule-20: Who, which, that , whose, whom BZ¨vw` Relative pronoun Øviv †Kvb incomplete sentence Gi clause ïiæ n‡j G¸‡jvi c~‡e© Antecedent ( hvi cwie‡Z© Who, which BZ¨vw` e‡m ) Abyhvqx verb ewm‡q Sentence wU‡K complete Ki‡Z nq |
1.     I saw the man who was catching fish.
2.     The writer took a cabin that/ which was small.
3.     Rina is my friend whose sister is a doctor.
Rule-21: Without + Ground hy³ incomplete sentence ‡K complete Kivi mgq Subject + can not + verb + object ewm‡q Ges By + Gerund hy³ incomplete sentence -‡K complete Kivi mgq  Subject + can + verb + object ewm‡q complete Ki‡Z nq |
1.     Without reading more, you can not pass.
2.     Without working hard , you can not prosper in life.
3.     By working hard , you can shine in life.
4.     By reading more, you can learn more.
5.     By drinking clean water , you can keep your body fit.
Rule-22: If + present + future.
1.     If it rains, we shall not go.  
2.     If you come, I shall go.
3.     If  you play in the rain, you will catch cold.
Rule-23: If + past indefinite tense n‡j  Subject + would / might + verb Gi present form + -------  e‡m |
1.     If he came, I would go.
2. If they wanted, we would help them.
3. If I had a car , I would go there.     
Rule-24: If + past perfect tense n‡j sub + would have/ could have / might have + verb Gi past participle form + ----- e‡m |
1.     If I had seen him, I might have told him the news.
2.     If they had started earlier, they could have got the train.
3.     If she had tried , she would have succeeded. 
Rule -25: If  hy³ clause G subject Gi ci were _vK‡j ciewZ© As‡k subject Gi ci might / could/ would + ----------------- e‡m |
1.     If I were a king , I could help the poor.
2.     If I were you ,I would not do this.
Rule -26: Had + subject + verb Gi past participle form n‡j | cieZ©x As‡k subject + would have /  could have / might have  + verb Gi past participle + -------------- e‡m |
1.     Had I seen him , I would have given him the news.
2.     Had he wanted , they would have helped him.
3.     Had I possessed a vast property, I would have established a college.
Rule – 27: The place ---------------- where G RvZxq incomplete sentence ¯’vb wb‡`©k K‡i | G †ÿ‡Î incomplete sentence Gi †k‡l  where + sub + verb ewm‡q complete Ki‡Z nq |
1.     A railway station is the place where trains stop.
2.     Rupgonj is the place where Tareq was born.
3.     Dhaka is the place where the population is about 1 core.
Rule – 28: The time ---------- when Øviv mgq eySvq| G RvZxq incomplete sentence Gi †k‡l when + subject + verb + ------------ e‡m|
1.     Saturday is the day when the week begins.
2.     1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent.
3.     10 pm is the time when we go to bed.
Rule – 29: Incomplete sentence wU present / future tense n‡j Zvi c‡i when / after _vK‡j Zvi c‡ii AskwU present perfect tense nq |
1.     You can go to sleep when you have taken your dinner.
2.     You will return me the book after you have finished reading it.
3.     Rina will swim after she has changed her dress.
Rule-30: Incase Gi A_© Òhw`Ó | Incase hy³ evK¨wU gyjZ  Principal clause Gi KviY wb‡`©k K‡i | G‡ÿ‡Î Principal clause wU Present Indefinite ev Future Indefinite n‡j , Incase hy³ evK¨wU
Present Indefinite  tense nq | Giæc fv‡e principal clause wU past indefinite tense n‡j cieZ©x AskI past indefinite tense n‡e |
1.     I want to do the sum incase the teacher permits.
2.     I will take my umbrella incase it rains.
3.     I wanted to stay at home incase he came.
Rule-31: Am¤¢e B”Qv , AvKv•Lv , AwfcÖvq e¨³ Ki‡Z would that/ I wish e¨eüZ nq | G‡ÿ‡Î  would that / I wish,  subject Gi Av‡M e‡m Ges subject Gi ci Òbe” verb wn‡m‡e me mgq were e¨eüZ  nq|
1.     I wish I were a king.
2.     Would that he were alive today.
Rule-32: Would you  mind  hy³ incomplete sentence G mind Gi ci ing hy³ verb + object e¨envi Ki‡Z nq |
1. Would you mind taking a cup of tea?
2. Would you mind opening the window?

Ë    e³v hv e‡j ZvB Speech ev Narration.
Narration `yB cÖKvi | h_v: (i) Direct Narration.
                                 (ii) Indirect Narration.
(i) Direct Speech : e³vi K_v hLb †Kvb cwieZ©b bv K‡i AweKj †mB fvlvq e¨³ Kiv nq ZLb Zv‡K Direct speech e‡j| Bnv‡K inverted commas (Ò Ó) g‡a¨ ivLv nq| inverted commas Gi wfZ‡ii Ask‡K Reported speech Ges evwn‡ii verb- ‡K Reported verb e‡j|
(ii) Indirect speech :  e³vi K_v ûeû DØ„Z bv K‡i Zvi e³e¨ A‡b¨i fvlvq cÖKvk Kiv‡K Indirect speech e‡j|
Rule-01: Tense cwieZ©b:
(a)              Reporting verb Present ev Future tense n‡j Reported speech Gi Tense Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
(b)             Reporting verb wU past tense n‡j Reported speech Gi verb cwieZ©b n‡q corresponding past tense nq|

Corresponding Past tense

Present indefinite                      -          Past Indefinite
Present continuous                   -          Past continuous
Present Prefect                 -      Past perfect
Present perfect continuous        -         Past perfect continuous
Past indefinite                            -      Past perfect
Past continuous                         -      Past perfect continuous.
Past perfect                              -       Past perfect
Past Perfect continuous -          Past perfect continuous.

Shall    cwiewZ©Z n‡q          Should nq|
Will          "           Would  "
Can           "          Could  "
May          "                    Might  "

Rule-02t Person cwieZ©b :
1st person follow the subject
2nd person follow the object
3rd person no change.

Rule -03 t ‰bKV¨ m~PK k㸇jv indirect speech -G cwiewZ©Z n‡q `~iZ¡m~PK k‡ã cwiYZ nq|
Direct              -    indirect       Direct          -        indirect
This       -    that             to day         -        that day
These     -    those             Tomorrow         -        the next day
Here      -    there           Yesterday   -        the previous day
Ago       -    before         Last month -           the previous month
Come      -   go               Last night   -        the previous night
Thus      -    so                next week   -        the following week
Hence              -    thence

Assertive Sentence
Rule-04 t Assertive sentence Gi Direct Speech -‡K indirect speech -G iæcvšÍ‡ii wbqg t
Structure : Sub + say/tell/said/told+ object( hw` _v‡K) + that + reported speech Gi subject + verb + evKx Ask|
Jabin said, “ I am reading a book.”
Jabin said that she was reading a book.
Karim said to Rahim, “ You are wrong.”
Karim said to Rahim that he was wrong.
Rule-05 t Say I tell G e¨envi : Direct speech -Gi Reporting verb -G hw` say/said _v‡K Ges Zvi ci hw` object bv _v‡K Zvn‡j indirect Kivi mgq Reoprting verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nqbv | A_v©r “say” “said” B e‡m hvq| Avi hw` say/said Gi c‡i object _v‡K Zvn‡j say/said Gi cwie‡Z© tell/told e‡m| Z‡e say/said emv‡j Zvi ci to emv‡Z nq| tell/told Gi c‡i to e‡mbv|
Rina said to Bina , “ I like to reading novels.”
Rina told Bina that she (R) liked to reading novels.
Rina said to Bina that she(R) liked to read novels.
Rule-06 t Reported speech ‡Kvb Universal truth or habitual fact cÖKvk Ki‡j verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
He said, “ The earth moves round the sun.”
He said that the earth moves round the sun.
Rule-07 t Must Gi cwieZ©b t Must mvaviY had to  iæcvšÍwiZ nq| wKš‘ wPiKvjxb eva¨evaKZv eyav‡j must Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
Sima said , “ I must write a letter.”
Sima said that she had to write a letter.
Father said to his son, “ You must obey your teacher.”
Father said to his son that he ( son) must obey his teachers.
Interrogative Sentence
Rule- 08 t Interrogative sentence -G reporting verb wU “ask/asked” A_ev enquire of/ enquired of BZ¨vw`‡Z cwieZ©b nq|
Reported speech hw` Auxiliary verb (A_v¨© do, does, did shall, will, am , is , are, was, were, can, may BZ¨vw`) Øviv Avi¤¢ nq A_v©r ms‡ÿ‡c  “yes” or “no” DËi †`qv hvq Z‡e inverted comma D‡V wM‡q reported speech Gi c~‡e© if/ whether emv‡Z nq|
Sentence wU interrogative Gi cwie‡Z© Assertive-G iæcvšÍwiZ nq|
Structure: Sub + ask/asked + object ( hw` _v‡K ) +if + reported speech Gi subject + verb + evKx Ask|
Karim said to Rahim, “ Will you go to school ?”
Karim asked Rahim if he ( R ) would go to school.
Rakib said to Zakir, “ Do you like to read story ?”
Rakib asked Zakir if he (Z) liked to read story.
Rule-09 t wKš‘ Reported speech hw` interrogative pronoun (‡hgb-Who , Whom , Whose, What, Which ) Ges interrogative adverb ( ‡hgb- Why, When,How,Where BZ¨vw`) Øviv Avi¤¢ nq Z‡e if/ Wheteher e‡mbv, H kãwUB e‡m| G‡ÿ‡Î I Sentence wU Assertive nq|
Structure t Subject + ask/asked + object ( hw` _v‡K) +interrogative pronoun + reported speech Gi Subject + verb + evKx Ask|
Sakib said to his father, “ What  are you doing ?”
 Sakib asked his father what he was doing .
He said to me, “ Where do you live ?”
He asked me where I lived.
Imperative Sentence
Rule-10 t Imperative Sentence -G Reporting verb-wU Aby‡iva eySv‡j request, Av‡`k eySv‡j order ev command, Dc‡`k eySv‡j advise Ges Ab¨_vq tell Øviv cwiewZ©Z nq|
inverted comma D‡V wM‡q to e‡m Ges g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
Structure : Sub + request/order/advise/tell+ object (hw` _v‡K ) + to + reported speech Gi g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
He said to me, “ Please give me a glass of water”.
She requested me to give him a glass of water.
The teacher said to the student, “ Always speak the truth”.
The teacher advised the student to speak the truth always.
N.B t Imperative sentence wU hw` Negative nq Z‡e Reporting verb Gi c‡i not e‡m Ges Zvi ci to e‡m|
          The teacher said to the student, “ Never tell a lie”.
          The teacher advised the student not to tell a lie.
He said to me, “ Don’t do this”.
He told me not to do that.
Rule-11 t Let Øviv cÖ¯Íve eySv‡j indirect Kivi mgh Reporting verb cwiewZ©Z n‡q Proposed/suggested nq, inverted comma D‡VwM‡q that e‡m + They/we should e‡m + Reported speech Gi g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
Structure : Subject + proposed/suggested + that + They/We+ Should +Reported speech Gi g~j verb †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ Ask e‡m|
He said to me, “ Let us go out for a walk.”
He proposed to me that we should go out for a walk.

Rule-12 t Let Øviv cÖ¯Íve A_© bv eySv‡j Reporting verb Gi cwieZ©b nq bv; inverted comma D‡V wM‡q that e‡m + Reporting verb Gi g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
Kamal said , “ Let him say what ever he likes.”
Kamal said that he might say whatever he liked.
Optative Sentence
Rule-13 t Optative sentence - G Reporting verb Gi cwie‡Z© wish /pray e‡m, inverted comma D‡V wM‡q that e‡m Gici reported speech Gi subject e‡m + might e‡m Ges reported speech Gi g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
Structure: Subject + wish /pray + that + reported speech Gi subject + might + g~j verb ‡_‡K †kl ch©šÍ e‡m|
Father said to me , “ May God bless you.”
Father wished that God might bless me.
We said , “ Long live our president.”
We wished that our president might live long.
Exclamatory Sentence
Rule-14 t Exclamatory Sentence - G Direct speech Øviv Avb›` eySv‡j Reporting verb cwiewZ©Z n‡q exclaimed with joy Avi `ytÿ eySv‡j exclaimed with sorrow nq|
Structure : Subject + exclaimed with joy/exclaimed with sorrow + that + reported speech Gi subject + verb Gi past form + very/great + adjective + evKx Ask (hw` _v‡K) |
The man said, “How fine the bird is!”
The man exclaimed with joy that the bird was very fine.
N.B t Reported speech How ev What Øviv ïiæ bv n‡j very /great emv‡Z nq bv|
He said , “ Alas! I am undone.”
He exclaimed with sprrow that he was undone.

Rules of Passage Narration
    mgvß Passage wU c‡o speaker (e³v) person spoken to (‡kÖvZv) Ges Sentence ¸‡jvi mood ( wµqvi aiY ) mbv³ K‡i wb‡Z n‡e|

Rule-1 t Reporting verb wU gv‡S ev †k‡l _vK‡jI indirect Kivi mgq Zv‡K Sentence - Gi ïiæ‡Z wb‡q Avm‡Z nq|
“You look a little bit like my mother”, Jerry said to the authoress, “ Especially in the dark by the fire.”
Ans: Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire.

Rule-2 t ‡Kvb e³vi ci ci GKvwaK Dw³ ( speech ) _vK‡j 2q ev ZrcieZ©x Dw³¸‡jvi †ÿ‡Î added, further added also said , again said BZ¨vw` e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ 2 wU interrogative sentence cici _vK‡j wØZxqwUi †ÿ‡Î again/also asked nq|
He said , “ I can chop some wood today I shall come again tomorrow,”
 Ans: He said that he could chop some wood that day . He added that he would came again the next day.

Rule- 03 t Reported speech -G “Yes” or “No” _vK‡j indirect Kivi mgq h_vµ‡g replied in the affirmative that Ges replied in the negative that e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
Rina said to Mintu, “ Are you going to chittagong tomorrow?”
“No, I have change my decision” said mintu,
Ans: Rina asked mintu if she was going to chittagong the next day. Mintu replied in the negative that he had changed his decision.

Rule-4 t Direct speech- G “ Sir” _vK‡j indirect speech - G “sir” -Gi cwie‡Z© respectfully e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
“Yes, Sir,” She replied, “ I have done my duty”
She replied respectfully in the affirmative that she had done her duty.

Rule-5 t Direct speech -G hw` KvD‡K address Kiv nq Z‡e addressing as  w`‡q indirect speech ïiæ Ki‡Z nq|
“Are you hungry friends?” said the king,
Ans: Addressing them as friends the king asked if they were hungry.

Rule-6 t Direct speech -G “Thank you” _vK‡j indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb - Gi subject + thanked + Reporting verb Gi object e‡m|
He said to me, “ Thank you,”
He thanked me.

Rule-07 t Direct speech G “Good-bye” _K‡j indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi sub + bade + object + Good -by e‡m|
He said, “ Good-bye my friends”.
He bade his friends good by.
Rule-08 t Direct speech-G Good morning/Good evening/night _vK‡j indirect Kivi mgq Reporting verb Gi sub + wished + object+Good morning/good evening/good night e‡m|
I said to him, “ Good morning.”
I wished him good morning

Simple, Complex, Compound

Rule-01tAnd Øviv hy³ compound sentence -Gi GKwU clause hw` Ab¨wUi Kvib eySvq Zvn‡j Becaude of Øviv simple Ges as, since, Because Øviv complex Ki‡Z nq|
Because of Gi c‡i Kvib clause wUi subject Gi passessive case nq Ges mvnvh¨Kvix verb am, is , are, was, were _vK‡j being Ges have, has, had _vK‡j having Avi hw` †Kvb mvnvh¨Kvix verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j g~j verb-Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|

Compound t He is ill and he can not move an inch.  
Simple        t Because of his being ill, he can not move an inch.
Complex     t Since he is ill, he can not move an inch.
Compound t The writer was poor and could not taste caviare.
          Simple        t Because of his being poor , the writer could not taste caviare.
          Complex     t As the writer was poor, he could not taste caviare.
Rule -02tBut Øviv hy³ compound sentence-‡K Inspite of Øviv simple Ges though/although Øviv comlex Ki‡Z
nq| Inspite of Gi c‡i cÖ_g clause wUi subject Gi possessive case nq + mvnvh¨Kvix verb am, is are, was, were Gi cwie‡Z© Being e‡m Ges have, has, had Gi cwie‡Z© having e‡m Avi hw` †Kvb mvnvh¨ Kvix verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j g~j verb Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|
Compound t He ran fast but could not get the train.
Simple       t Inspite of his running fast, he could not get the train.
Complex      t Though he ran fast, he could not get the train.
Rule-03tOr Øviv hv³ compound sentence- ‡K without + gerund Øviv Simple Ges If Øviv complex Ki‡Z nq|
Without + gerund =Without + g~j verb Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM |
Compound t  Work hard or you can not prosper in life.
Simple       t  Without working hard, you can not  prosper in life.
Complex    t  If you do not work hard, you can not prosper in life.
Compound t  Move or you will die.
Simple        t  Without moving you will die.
Complex     t  If you do not move , you will die.
N t B t G ai‡bi sentence-G or Gi ¯’‡j And _v‡K Zvn‡j By + gerund Øviv simple Ki‡Z nq|
Compound t  Do and die.
Simple       t  By doing , you will die.
Complex    t  If you do, you will die.
Rule-04 t  And Øviv hy³ compound sentence Gi clause `ywU Øviv hw` c~‡e© c‡i eySvq Zvn‡j participle Øviv simple Ges when/as Øviv complex Ki‡Z nq|
Compound t  The thief saw the police and ran away.
Simple        t  Seeing the police , the thief ran away.
Complex     t  When the thief saw the police, he ran away.
Rule-05 t  And Øviv hy³ compound sentence Gi †h ‡Kvb GKwU clause Øviv hw` Nwoi mgq eySvq Zvn‡j at, gvm, FZz, ev eQi eySv‡j in Ges eq‡mi †ÿ‡Î at the age of w`‡q simple Ges When Øviv complex Ki‡Z nq|
Compound t  He came here and it was 7 o’clock.
Simple       t  He came here at 7 o’clock.
Complex    t  When he came here, it was 7 o’clock.
Compound t He died and he was seventy.
Simple       t He died at the age of seventy.
Complex    t  When he died , he was seventy.

N tB t Z‡e †Kvb mgq bv eywS‡q †Kvb KvR Pjv eySv‡j at the time of w`‡q simple Ki‡Z nq| †m †ÿ‡Î †h clause Øviv KvR Pjv eySvq ‡mB clause wUi personal subject _vK‡j Zvi possessive case nq Ges verb Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq|
Compound t It was raining and he woke up.
Simple       t At time of raining he woke up.
Complex    t  When it was raining, he woke up.
Compound           t I was reading and he came.
Simple                  t At the time of my reading , he came.
Complex     t When I was reading, he came.
Rule-06 t Relative pronoun hy³ complex sentence-‡K simple Kivi wbqg t-
(i)                   Relative Pronoun D‡V hvq,
(ii)                 Relative Pronoun Gi ci mvnvh¨Kvix verb _vK‡j D‡V hvq,
(iii)                cieZx© As‡ki g~j verb Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM nq|
(iv)                evKx Ask AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K|

‡hgb t
Complex     t The writer lived in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage.
Simple        t The writer lived in a cabin belonging to the orphanage.
Compound t The writer lived in a cabin and it belonged to the orphanage.

Rule-07 t ‘so that’ hy³ complex sentence- ‡K simple Kivi mgq so ‡_‡K Avi¤¢ K‡i may/might/can/could ch©šÍ D‡V hvq Ges Gi cwie‡Z© to e‡m|
Complex     t He worked hard so that he could prosper in life.
          Simple                  t He worked hard and he prospered in life.
          Compound      t He worked hard and he prospered in life.
Rule-07t So ------------- that hy³ Complex sentence ‡K Simple Kivi wbqg t-
i.                   So D‡V hvq Ges Gi cwie‡Z© too e‡m|
ii.                 That ‡_‡K not ch©šÍ D‡V hvq|
iii.              To e‡m
iv.              Not Gi cieZx© Ask e‡m|
He is so poor that he can not buy a car.
He is too poor to buy a car.
He is very poor and can not buy a car.

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