Saturday, November 9, 2013

Report Writing

Eve-Teasing in Bangladesh
10 November, 2013
Eve teasing is not a new problem in Bangladesh. It is a concern since many years.
Almost every young girl is a victim of teasing, especially by the local young teaser. The most of the people may avoid it as a common matter with young generation. Yes, it is. But it is not every time. It can be tolerated until no girl is being attacked. But when it crosses the line, it will raise as a problem to us. It is surely a
social problem. These days, many girls have committed suicide only to safe themselves from eve-teasing. That means, eve-teasing in Bangladesh has reached its maximum range. This is against the women rights without any
doubt. Those who are involved with this kind of embarrass stuff can be named as a terrorist. The teasers wait in schools, colleges or outside the house gate and as soon as girls walk passed by them they start teasing with ribald comments, smutty jokes, coarse laughter, sly whistles and even indecent exposure. According to a daily newspaper, two girl committed suicide only in October 2010. In the
last 7 months there 4 girls were killed and 42 were injured. Well, this is just a ruff measurement, which came across the people’s attention. There happened many occurrences like this, which were not published in the newspaper. In most of the cases, the victims shy to exposes these incidents.
(A) Various forms of Eve Teasing in Bangladesh:
Eve-teasing has attacked our society in various forms. With all its forms it is destroying the society.
1. Eve-teasing with school going female students.
2. Eve-teasing on mobile phone.
3. Sexual harassment by internet.
(B) Common reason of eve teasing:
1. Having a strong attraction to opposite sex. It is only granted for male people.
2. Giving less importance on gender discrimination problem.
3. Failing to educating girls. It’s mean inadequate scope for female education.
4. Destruction of our social values, respecting others, helping others and among them the way of showing love.
5. Last but not the lest, our sense or thoughts towards women.
Some of the consequences of eve teasing are given below:
1: Suicide: Suicide is the ultimate path for some woes.
2: Lost the mind: Many girls lost their mind and go abnormal or cause mental disease from fast ration.
3: Early Marriage: In local village of Bangladesh the local school going girls, garments workers and college girls are victim of eve teasing, so the common scenario of their family is to give marriage of that girl.
Eve teasing is increasing in very alarming rate in our country. We need to take a necessary step to prevent eve teasing from the root.

Name of Disaster: River erosion
Locations: Netrokona, Kurigram, Sherpur and Gaibandha District of Bangladesh, Netrokona

10 November, 2013

Erosion has taken a serious turn in Dugrapur upazila as Someshwary and other rivers became full to their brim in the last few days due to heavy rain. Onrush of hill water from across the border added to the situation. At least 300 dwelling houses and over 500 acres of cropland at Dakumara, Kamarkhali and Ranikong villages under Durgapur upazila have been devoured by the river in the last one week rendering more than 1000
people homeless. The erosion victims have taken shelter in the nearby flood shelters and on the highlands in neighboring villages. About one kilometer of three-kilometer-long Shibganj-Ranikong Road, the lone link between Durgapur upazila Sadar and different bordering villages has been devoured by Someshowary much to the suffering of the locals. Locals dumped sands, bamboo and timbers to protect the areas from the erosion but all their attempts went in vain due to strong current in the river. The construction work of one kilometer out of 6-kilometer Someshwary river erosion protection embankment has already started.

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